Saturday, 2 July 2011

Ancient Aliens The Mission

Amazing Show on The History Channel - Ancient Aliens The Mission



UFO - Ancient Aliens The Mission.

The serie presents theories of ancient astronauts and proposes that historical texts, archaeology and legends contain evidence of past human-extraterrestrial contact. This episode posits that extraterrestrials have a mission plan for Earth and mankind, and cites as evidence, Sumerian tablets that allegedly describe the Anunnaki as a race of creatures that came to Earth to mine gold; the purpose of cattle mutilations; the mile-long "band of holes" near Pisco, Peru; Egyptian hieroglyphs that are said to depict hybrid creatures that are part man/part animal; and crystal skulls and crop circles that are said to contain messages from aliens.


CIA Agents find eachother in retirement

 Decades after duty in the OSS and CIA, “spy girls” find each other in retirement

       To her, it looked like a harmless piece of coal, about the size of her fist. She remembers passing it to a Chinese secret agent. She remembers later learning about the train, the bridge, the explosion. Sometimes she thinks she has suppressed many wartime memories, but even after almost 70 years, they can creep back.
Betty McIntosh, 96, says that is part of being a spy: the doubts about whether you did the right thing, and hearing about those who died because of what you did, and whether you had alternatives. But it was a war.

Her friend Doris Bohrer would understand, but even so, McIntosh still hasn’t divulged everything about every World War II mission. Even though it turns out that Bohrer, 88, was an operative in the war, too: OSS, then CIA, just like McIntosh.
To most other residents of the retirement community in Northern Virginia, these two elegant, well-coiffed widows, Betty and Doris to everyone, are just part of the anonymous parade of aged men and women who play mixed bridge and talk about the brand-new heart and vascular center down the road, the day’s menu at the dining hall, and their pets.
What a curious resolution to it all: that although their paths never crossed during their undercover careers, McIntosh and Bohrer would find each other here, neighbors on the same street in the Westminster at Lake Ridge seniors village in Prince William County. Two women who wear the wedding rings of their dead husbands. Two women who laugh like girls when they reminisce, who are nearly inseparable.
McIntosh says she calls Bohrer almost every morning, just to make sure she’s still alive. Bohrer, for her part, can still drive and runs errands for her friend, who is, after all, eight years older and finds it less easy to get around.
“How’s it doing today, Betty?” Bohrer asks one recent weekday, stepping inside McIntosh’s living room, where paintings by a Japanese prisoner of war hang on the wall. Bohrer was bringing some medication for McIntosh, who had just had two teeth pulled.
“You’ve got the temperature setting in here at ‘off.’ You need it on ‘cool,’ ” Bohrer instructs McIntosh. “I’ve done that. Easy to do.” She adjusts the thermostat.

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Size doesn't matter: Tiny insect that sings with its penis is loudest creature on Earth

    A tiny insect has proved that size really doesn't matter - by using its penis to become the loudest creature on Earth.

Most would think the 2mm long water boatman would not have much to shout about, seeing as its private parts are thinner than a human hair.
But its looks have proved deceiving as it can reach an ear-splitting 99.2 decibels by rubbing its penis against its abdomen - which, relative to its body size, makes it the most boisterous bug on the planet.

Loud and proud: The water boatman is, pound for pound, the noisiest animal on the planet
Loud and proud: The water boatman is, pound for pound, the noisiest animal on the planet

The water boatman, or Micronecta scholtzi, has been dubbed 'the singing penis' for the way it serenades potential mates.
Found all over Europe, the male tries to seduce prospective partners by rubbing its member against its abdomen, while underwater, in a process known as stridulation.

     It is so loud that humans walking along a river bank can hear the noise coming from the bottom of the water.
But as 99 per cent of the sound is lost when transferring from water to air, it means there is no risk of deafening passers-by.

Their average song reaches 78.9 decibels, the same as a passing freight train.
Blue whales are the loudest animals when they sing at 188db, while the rumbling calls of elephants' clock up an impressive 117db.
But at just 2mm long, the water boatman is the noisiest animal on Earth - once body size is taken into account.
French and Scottish scientists made the startling discovery.
Researcher Jerome Sueur, from Paris' National Museum of Natural History, was analysing the biodiversity of French streams when he heard the distinctive underwater call.

At first he believed a much larger insect was responsible for the racket, but when he caught them they did not make the same sound.
Further investigation revealed it was a particular type of water boatman that was 'singing' its heart out.
James Windmill, of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, said: 'We were very surprised. We first thought the sound was coming from larger aquatic species.
'When we identified without any doubt the sound source, we spent a lot of time making absolutely sure that our recordings of the sounds were calibrated correctly.
'If you scale the sound level they produce against their body size, then they are the loudest animals on Earth.'


1. Blue Whale

2. Howler Monkey
3. Grey Wolf

4. Elephant
5. Hyena

6. Lion
7. Bulldog bat

8. Kakapo bird
9. Elephant Seal

10. U.S. Bullfrog

Skype on Facebook?

Is Facebook about to launch Skype-powered video chat? Zuckerberg promises to unveil 'something awesome' this week


Facebook is rumoured to be preparing to launch a new video chat feature in partnership with Skype.

Founder Mark Zuckerberg has said that the world's biggest social networking website will 'launch something awesome' on Wednesday.
His comments have led to speculation that the site will announce a new feature powered by the Microsoft-owned video calling service.
Currently people using Facebook can only communicate using instant message text chat, but the two companies are reported to have agreed for Skype video chat to be integrated into the site.
The reports have been strengthened by the emergence of invitations for the event, which feature the picture of a face inside a speech bubble.
The move could dramatically increase the use of Skype, which currently has 170 million active users compared to Facebook’s 750 million
The partnership would bring Facebook closer to Microsoft, which is one of its shareholders and bought Skype for $8.5 billion in May.
Mr Zuckerberg told reporters in a visit to Facebook's Seattle office on Wednesday that the company has an imminent launch, but revealed scant details.
'Something awesome': Mark Zuckerberg has promised Facebook will stage an exciting launch next week
'Something awesome': Mark Zuckerberg has promised Facebook will stage an exciting launch next week

He said the project had been developed at the 40-person Seattle office, Facebook's only major engineering centre outside of its Palo Alto, California headquarters.
There has been speculation in technology blogs in recent weeks about various mobile products in development at Facebook, including the release of a long-awaited Facebook app for Apple's iPad and a specialised app for photo-sharing on the iPhone.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

A software sheds light on the Bible

An Israeli algorithm sheds light on the Bible


An Israeli algorithm sheds light on the Bible Software developed by an Israeli team is giving intriguing new hints about what researchers believe to be the multiple hands that wrote the Bible. The new software analyzes style and word choices to distinguish parts of a single text written by different authors, and when applied to the Bible its algorithm teased out distinct writerly voices in the holy book.

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Elixir of life discovered on Easter Island

Elixir of life discovered on Easter Island

Rapamycin, which has been nicknamed the forever young drug, was created from a chemical found in the soil on Easter Island, one of the most remote places on Earth and 2,000 miles off the coast of Chile.

It was used in experiments on children suffering from Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS), a rare genetic condition in which ageing is hyper-accelerated and sufferers die of gold age at around 12 years.

HGPS causes a dangerous process whereby a protein called progerin builds up in every cell of the body, causing them to age prematurely.

Rapamycin cleaned the cells of progerin, which swept away the defects and left healthy cells.

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Ryedale Windy Pits skeletons were 'sacrificial'

Ryedale Windy Pits skeletons were 'sacrificial'


A new investigation has revealed that human skeletons discovered in caves on the North York Moors were likely to have been the victims of ritual sacrifice 2,000 years ago.
A forensic examination of their bones, for the BBC's History Cold Case series, has revealed evidence that at least one of them had been scalped.

Human remains were first discovered in the series of caves, known as the Ryedale Windy Pits, in the 19th Century and further excavations took place in the 1950s.
Dr Xanthe Mallett and Graham Lee at the entrance to one of the windy pits in RyedaleWhile it has always been clear the bones had experienced some kind of trauma it has taken a new forensic investigation to reveal more about how these people might have met their deaths.
Evidence suggests the caves were used by people from the late Neolithic period, about 4,500 years ago, until the late Romano-British period in the fourth and fifth centuries AD.
Tangle of bones
Historians have long believed that people during this period participated in human sacrifice.
The BBC's History Cold Case programme features a team from the Centre of Anatomy and Human Identification at the University of Dundee.
Human bones discovered in the windy pits on the edge of the North York Moors  
The bones revealed signs that the victims did not die naturally
Their investigation focused in particular on a tangle of 2,000 year-old bones, possibly those of a family, found in Slip Gill Windy Pit in the 1950s.
It was a trauma in the jaw bone of one of the skulls which could have only been made with a sharp instrument and led to the first conclusion that the victims did not die naturally.
Professor Sue Black said: "The archaeologists tells us that there's a distinct possibility that there's a ritualistic element to the way in which these individuals have landed up in these caves."
To confirm that theory the team looked at bones found in neighbouring pits.
Ritual 'first'
Those too showed signs of blunt force trauma, confirming inter-personal violence as well as a shin bone which had markings that were consistent with the removal of flesh from bone.
Further examination of one of the skulls from Slip Gill showed similar markings, parallel cut marks, leading to the conclusion that at least one of the victims was probably scalped.
The cutting marks on the skull are the final piece of evidence that at least one of the Slip Gill skeletons was almost certainly ritually killed.
Professor Black concludes: "We've added a dimension to this that we never anticipated we were going to and in fact it's a first for me.
"I have never been involved in something with this sort of a ritual. At the end of the day the bones have the evidence and the evidence speaks for itself."

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Wednesday, 29 June 2011


Ancient beer from shipwreck too salty to drink

Finnish scientists have cracked open a cold one  a 170-year-old cold one, that is. The bottle of beer, salvaged last summer from the wreckage of a ship that sank near the Aland Islands in the Baltic Sea, was thought to be the oldest drinkable beer ever found.

Unfortunately, the Technical Research Center of Finland (VTT) reported June 27, the first bottle opened did not withstand the stresses of time. Seawater made it into the bottle, contaminating the brew.

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100 Years Ago, a Chunk of Mars Hit Egypt

100 Years Ago, a Chunk of Mars Hit Egypt

Exactly a century ago, on June 28, 1911, an explosion shook the Nakhla region of Alexandria in Egypt at 9 a.m. Soon after, around 40 chunks of meteorite debris from the high altitude blast rained down. 22 pounds (10 kilograms) of the bolide were recovered by witnesses of this cosmic event.

The Smithsonian received two samples of the Nakhla meteorite the following August and then acquired a larger 480 gram (one pound) piece in 1962 (pictured top). By the 1970's, the Smithsonian had collected 650 grams (1.4 pounds) of the meteorite.

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Mummy Stash Found in Italian Church

Tuesday, 28 June 2011


Amazing story on the eight wonder of the world and The Brothers Behind it...

Broadcast Date: Nov. 10, 1985
Once promoted as the "Eighth Wonder of the World," West Edmonton Mall is one of Alberta's primary tourist attractions. The men responsible for the monster size mall are the four Ghermezian brothers, who emmigrated from Iran in the 1960s. This colossal monument to conspicuous consumption has seen its share of controversy but the brothers stand behind their mall.

"When I walk through the centre here in Edmonton... 10 to 15 people, they jump at me, hug me, thank me for what I did and some of them even kiss me... people are happy," says Nader Ghermezian in this clip.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

most Amazing and Bizarre Deep Sea Creatures

Most Amazing And Bizarre Deep Sea Creatures

Part 1

Part 2

Have a great Sunday every one...